Urmashev Baidaulet Amantayevich was born on February 4, 1972 in the city of Shadrinsk, Kurgan region of the Russian Federation. In 1989 he graduated from the Republican Physics and Mathematics School. In the same year he entered KazGU and was enrolled as a first-year student at the Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. In 1994, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of Kazakh State University and was recommended for graduate school. From 1994 to 1997 he was a graduate student of the Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics. From 1997 to 1998, he worked as a leading engineer at the research department of KazSU. From 1998 to 2011 worked at the Department of Chemical Physics and Chemistry of High-Molecular Compounds of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University as an assistant professor and part- time as head of the educational laboratory of computational methods in chemistry. In 2001 he defended his thesis on "Iterative algorithms for solving auxiliary Navier-Stokes grid equations for an incompressible fluid in the variables" speed, pressure ", specialty 01.01.07 - computational mathematics. Since 2012, he worked as head of the Department of Informatics at Al-Farabi KazNU, since June 2019, he has been working as dean of the Faculty of Information Technology of Al-Farabi KazNU.


Educational institution


Expiration date

КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

Academic degree

Name of the scientific degree
Branch of science
Graduation Date

Academic rank

Name of academic title
Date of assignment
State Prizes
Prize Name Date of award
Государственный грант "Лучший преподаватель вуза" в 2015 году 31/12/2015
Почетная грамота Министерства образования и науки РК "За большой вклад в процветании Казахстана"

Author Documents


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